Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kicking off VBE Phase Two

Our box of Denver-minted Andrew Jackson dollar coins arrived today, and Mike has already bought his share. We will be running The Experiment the same as before, which requires participants to:

  1. Relinquish all Bad Ones to a Bad One Containment Recepticle until the end of The Experiment
  2. Exchange any Bad Ones obtained for a Good One from the personal stash
  3. Use Good Ones in all circumstances just the same as using a Bad One
The goal of all of this? To get dollar coins into the local economy (part of The Plan) and to document the reactions of the recipients (making special note of Anti-Coin Ire). We aim to be both informative and entertaining.

I will admit that after Phase 1 wrapped up, it was a little underwhelming; there just wasn't as much Anti-Coin Ire out there as we expected. Perhaps this time around we'll try to get ourselves into more interesting situations.

1 comment:

Dave Rutan said...

Glad to see you're starting project back up. Ever consider marking your bad ones to inform people about the good ones? Just a thought.